Sunday, June 26, 2005

Chon (Guadalajara, Mexico)

Chon is a friend that I met in Guadalajara. He was friend's of my brother, so we became good friends. Eventhough he knew about me, he was very respectful and didn't care. We hang out together mainly to party. He had this really deep voice... one of them that you hear and they almost make you have an orgasm.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Phil (CA)

This is Phil from California. We became internet friends since over a year ago, perhaps 2...don't reacall. Turns out my good friend Adam (the one that went with me on vacation to Mexico this past new year) got transferred to CA, near where Phil lives. Sine Adam didn't know anyone there, I suggested to talk to Phil. I sent Phil a picture after they both ended up talking on the phone. They met, and now they are ever so happy. We talk on the phone and chat often. They want me to visit them, but I won't for now because I've gone to San Francisco already; I like to visit new places. I do have hope we will meet somehow though. Perhaps when my friend Adam and him marry LOL.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Zeque (Las Cruces, NM)

Zeque, fromLas Cruces, is a super sweet guy. We have partied together. I could have sworn he was gay, but he is not. He is Simon's half brother. The dog's name is Armand. He belongs to Nate & Daniel.